Cold Tours Of The Mountain

Active rest on the corner of 2016 from the stature, active tours
Конно-санные туры

Trains, routes, active recreation tours on Ural

Summer tours on Ural 2016
Pedestrian routes

Up to the top of South Ural, 7 days is the rise of the Grand Shatak, 1271 m.

End routes

Alloys of waterways on the Rivers of Ural

Urala tours

Winter tours on Ural

Conno-san tours

Snow Tours

Combined tours

Private tour

Excursion eco-ethnic tours (bus tours)

Ural's sight.

Ural (Bashk. Ør - Highness, Bashk. Prairal - Belt) - the geographical region in Russia, which has developed between the Eastern European and Western Siberian plains. The main part of the region is the Ural Mountain System.

Ural is at the juncture of Europe and Asia and is a border between these regions. The Wall and its adjacent high plains of Priural extend from the North Ledovice Ocean in the north to the semi-provased areas of Kazakhstan in the south in the form of 100 to 400 km of stripes, which divide the Eastern European and Western Siberian plains for more than 2,500 km.

Territorial division

· Polar Ural
· Ural
North Ural
Average Ural
Southern Ural

Steal has long been afflicted and impressed by researchers with minerals and their main wealth are minerals. There are iron, copper ores and chrome and nickel and cobalt, and zinc, and stone coal and oil and gold and precious stones. Ural has long been the largest mining and metallurgical base throughout the country. Nature ' s wealth also includes forest resources. Southern and Middle Ural provide an opportunity for farming.

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