
Insland 2016 - Tracking in mountains
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походы по Исландии"Island born an ancient magic song of ice and flame

A small island is located near the North Pole, torn by the Atlantic Ocean. That is where Iceland ' s country of origin is. Her landscapes remind her of the fantasy fantasy fantases of the extraterrestrial landscape.

Travel to Iceland In particular, the tourists of the perishable beauty and the unusual nature of the northern island are maimed. She's barely touched by human activity. There are no harmful industrial plants and therefore various production waste. Air and water are crystal clear.туры в Исландию By the way, the last one can drink directly from the crane without fear.

Iceland is born of an ancient magic song of ice and flame. There's an amazing combination of crushing volcanoes, occultated lava fields, and magnificent glaciers with mountains, whose peaks are stunned by snow. The big blue sky is flooded with the surrealist paints of the north, and in the spring, summer and autumn, it rains many rainbows. One of the country ' s travel cards is the numerous heisers, small sources, hot water and couples to the ground.треккинг в Исландии The height of the fountaining haisers ranges from 1 to 15 metres. By the way, it's Icelandic Gaceer's source that called all the other non-permanent hot fountains around the world. Besides the heisers, there are many wonderful waterfalls that can be seen for hours. All of this and a lot of things we'll see in our active tours in Iceland, the fags.

It's not Iceland's words. Look at the short video I took from Kuluara in 2015. It'll only take two minutes, but you'll see what's waiting for us to travel. In fact, a number of personnel have been recruited from Norway. If the video below doesn't reproduce, go through that reference.

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