
Wings On Mountains
Wings On Mountains
It s 3 days and 2:00 a.m. The cost of travel is 4, roubles, 34 km of travel, lying There s no probe in it, Massive Chatyr-Dag. The Chatyr-Dag hills and caves are a three-day trip to a magnificent, magnificent island, standing in the mountain areas of the Crimea, between 1, and 1,500 metres high, and…
List Of Things To Go To The Mountains
List Of Things To Go To The Mountains
Door (2-4), backpack, bedroom, carpet, walking sticks (if you feel necessary). The tent must be modern and unhappy. The criteria for the selection of the remaining items of equipment are described in detail on page Frequent questions. Clothing: Cold clothes: It s better to have a flies sweater in the…
Abkhaziya Hills
Abkhaziya Hills
Day 1. Lake Ritz, Avadhara, after the Adelaire group, we cross the border and we move to Ritz Lake in order. There s a bit of rest here, distribution of food, and then we start walking to Avadhar. This place is famous for its mineral waters, which we will drink today as much as we want. Day 2. Lake Mzi…
Pedestrian Tours Of Mountains
Pedestrian Tours Of Mountains
As soon as they don t call it the beautiful and mysterious place of North Ural: Man-Pupu-Ner, Man-Pupag-Ner, Bolwano-Iz, Monsian morons The tourists usually call them short, Pupa. In the translation from Mansi, Manipoo-Ner means the Great Mountain of Idolas. Seven of these rebels. Six poles were built…
Pedestrian Hills In The Army
Pedestrian Hills In The Army
Active rest in Armenia, so demanded by the Europeans, is beginning to gain momentum among the Russians. Armenia is a mountain country with lazy roads, vast forests and labyrinth valleys, against the backdrop of beautiful and diverse nature. In short, it s a paradise for all active recreational amateurs…
Pedestrian walking is an unlimited opportunity to study the world of Pedestrian walks, or training (from trekking to intersect, relocate, make a large transition) is a popular sporting tourism, whose main advantages are: mass; in most cases, lack of special sports training (to be merely physically and…
Pedestrian Tours
Pedestrian Tours
20 free entertainments in European cities! Keep your mark! You don t have to steal money when you re on vacation in Europe! Remember, the best thing in life is free. What is this about the city holidays in Old Light? 1. The bikers, Copenhagen, how do you save for dinner at the world s best restaurant…
Carpathians Organized Mountains
Carpathians Organized Mountains
On September 18th, 23th, the Carpathians Highest Ridge will remind you of fascinating landscapes, incredible star sky, the most delicious family 21 September to 28 September, the downgraded version of the walk on the eastern part of the Likaya tropic, only eight days and all the interesting ones, two…
In Space, rockets have gone to the exciting minds. And you wear ceds, you walk through the fucking trails. In winter, in spring, under threat, you live on a forest grammar. And sleeping under the open stars without knowing Galaxy. Yes! These guys, no bragging and no farce, in a solid tissue jacket, go…